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field. This is used when form results are sent to you. The email you receive will contain all … for users. In this case, the choices are presented as a drop-down list of option that users can … exercises as they progress. When they reach the end of the page, they can add their name and other

the "Smart Fields" option within the "Insert" menu, or use the dedicated button labeled "Insert … products, each with an option to calculate how many tiles may be needed to tile a given floor area. … step to incorporate a 10% safety margin. This means appending *(10/100) to the formula to ensure

Given the illusion of life and motion, you can end up with too much, or too little, disconnected … the style tab. This will expose two drop down menus, one to select the animation and the other to … There is a lot going around and in the end having a stable element provides a resting

messaging of your website. In Sparkle, you have many way to use and add image content to your pages. … change the background behind the image. This means that the image must be partially transparent, … select ‘Convert to Button’ from the context menu.

layouts to better suit different device. In many web development applications, page layouts … option to Move to Layout Block from the context menu. … are applied on a device-by-device basis. This means that any changes you make to a text style will

you control which fonts appear in the font menu. You can open the font panel by clicking the … When you select a web font, the visual representation of each character is sent to the browser, … In the example shown here, Andale Mono will be displayed in Sparkle and most likely on

groups of users who can have access. This means you must create at least one group and add … a server-side language that is used to perform many functions - including password protection of … group. These pages can contain their own menu or other navigation structure that links to

The Arrange panel, the Arrange menu, and the Format Bar are your tools for managing … and removes it from multiple selections in many circumstances. … is off, so text will overlap the element or end up below it.

MenuMenu … The Menu object creates a navigation menu for your … a general site-wide settings icon, which offers many options that will be explained later in this

When constructing a website with many sections and a lot information, navigation tools become twice as … click option “go to page in this website”. In the second dropdown menu that appears under it, you can select scroll locations. Since you have

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Updated for Sparkle 5.5

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